200% Satisfaction Guarantee:

200% GuaranteeWe Promise…

…We’re completely confident in our ability to meet and exceed your expectations. In fact, if you attend the inspection and are not completely satisfied with our home inspection process, The Home Inspection Guru will release you from our agreement and refund your home inspection fee, and pay for another home inspector, of your choice, to inspect the home.

Clearly selecting a home inspector is difficult. Most likely you will hire me, before meeting me. We meet the very first time at the inspection. I will will treat you with respect and work diligently to protect your interests.

Quality home inspections don’t just happen. The inspector needs an extensive knowledge base, the ability to recognize clues that indicate potential issues, know the next steps for resolving issues and report the findings to a client.

If you extend a token trust in me at the beginning, say 5% I will earn the rest.You’re invited to follow along and ask questions. As you walk along you will gain my trust and realize the value of my efforts. I will take all the time needed to document the inspection, explain how systems function, and answer your questions.

Also, don’t forget to rate your experience. It’s easy, once you log in to view your report click the “Rate Me” button. We would also appreciate if you rate The Home Inspection Guru on our Facebook page, Angie’s List or on your favorite reviews website.

We appreciate and thank you for your business and referrals.


Kerry Staudt